Sunday, September 02, 2007
@ 9:40 am
hello my beloved class,
it's the start of the sept holidays and its just a week before we pass away and go to prelim heaven. but while everyone's busy under their pile of notes i have a proposal. and while this may seem a little premature, can we PLEASE GO TO THE ZOO AFTER THE EXAMS?!
i haven't been to the zoo in like... 7 years and that's just a bit depressing. and after the zoo! we can go jalan kayu and and eat prata and consume copious amounts of milo dinosaur. (i know scott will appreciate the mountain extra milo powder. hurr.)
and maybe if we delude ourselves enough, we might just be able to find A&W. curly fries and waffles. mmmmmm.
i know what you're thinking, something's wrong with the picture if bimin's talking about food. but we all have our moments. (;
come on, someone tell me that you don't want to see this. (which kinda looks like sayers. teehee.)
i heave a mighty sigh.
okay? OKAY!